
Introduction to Emet Global’s Educational Philosophy

At the heart of our educational philosophy lies the belief that structured learning, combined with high standards for course progression and grades, is fundamental to student achievement.

We understand that true learning goes beyond memorization and repetition; it is about understanding, application, and synthesis of knowledge. Our curriculum is designed to challenge students, foster critical thinking, and encourage the continuous application of knowledge to real-world problems. This approach ensures that our students are not just learners but thinkers, innovators, and problem-solvers ready to face the challenges of the modern world.

Maintaining high course progression and achieving superior grades are pivotal to our educational strategy. We believe that these are indicators of a student’s dedication, resilience, and understanding of the subject matter. A progression score of 90% or higher is not just a number; it represents a student’s journey through the intricacies of each course, mastering concepts and skills along the way.

Our commitment extends beyond academic excellence. We aim to cultivate a learning environment that supports personal growth, ethical integrity, and a global perspective. Emet Global is more than an institution; it is a community where every student is valued, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential.

Join us on this educational journey, where your success is our mission, and your academic achievements pave the way for a bright and promising future.

Course Progression

Understanding Course Progression

Course progression is the measure of a student’s advancement through the curriculum within a specified timeframe, reflecting their active participation, learning, and completion of required activities. It is a dynamic indicator of how well students understand the course content and their ability to apply this knowledge effectively.

The 90% Progression Score Requirement

We set a high standard for our students, requiring a minimum progression score of 90%. This benchmark is not arbitrary but is carefully chosen to reflect a deep understanding and proficient application of course materials. Achieving this score means a student has consistently demonstrated not only engagement with the coursework but also a high level of comprehension and the ability to tackle complex problems and tasks.

We set a high standard for our students, requiring a minimum progression score of 90%. This benchmark is not arbitrary but is carefully chosen to reflect a deep understanding and proficient application of course materials. Achieving this score means a student has consistently demonstrated not only engagement with the coursework but also a high level of comprehension and the ability to tackle complex problems and tasks.

This requirement encourages students to maintain a steady pace of learning, ensuring they are fully prepared for each subsequent module and ultimately for the assessments that culminate the learning experience. It is a testament to their dedication and a predictor of their success in the course.

The 32-Day Completion Window

Each course at Emet Global is structured within a 32-day completion window, starting from the first day a student begins the course. This timeframe is strategically set to provide enough flexibility for self-paced learning while maintaining a sense of urgency and focus. It ensures that students remain engaged and committed to their studies, preventing procrastination and promoting a disciplined approach to learning.

The 32-day window is also designed to mimic real-world scenarios where deadlines are common, preparing students for the professional environments they will encounter post-graduation. It teaches time management, prioritization, and the ability to work under pressure, skills that are invaluable in any career.

Navigating the Course

To navigate successfully through a course, students are encouraged to engage regularly with the material, participate in discussions, complete assignments on time, and reach out for help whenever needed. Our learning management system (LMS) is designed to provide continuous feedback, allowing students to monitor their progression scores in real-time and adjust their study habits accordingly.

Instructors and academic advisors are also available to provide guidance, support, and additional resources to ensure every student has the opportunity to achieve the 90% progression score and complete the course within the 32-day window.


The course progression policy at Emet Global is more than just a set of requirements; it is a framework designed to foster excellence, discipline, and a deep-seated understanding of the subject matter. It challenges students to strive for the best, supports them through their journey, and celebrates their achievements along the way.

Grading System

Emet Global utilizes a points system that determines the percentage score

Grading System Detailed Breakdown

Here’s a clear tabular representation of the grading system, showing the distribution of points per module, per course, and the percentage each component contributes to the overall course grade.

Grading AreaPoints Per ModulePoints Per CoursePercentage of Course
ScribeBoard Original Post5020020%
ScribeBoard Replies2510010%
Quiz and Assessment5015015%
Paper or Project Introduction7515015%
Paper or Project Assignment15030030%
Total Possible2×200 |275 |3251000100%

This table provides a comprehensive overview of how each component of the coursework is valued in terms of points and their impact on the final grade for the course.

Explanation of the Grading System

The grading system at Emet Global is meticulously designed to ensure a holistic assessment of each student’s performance, capturing various dimensions of learning, engagement, and application. Here’s a narrative explanation of how grades are determined and the significance of each grading area:

ScribeBoard Original Post (20%): This component assesses a student’s ability to initiate thoughtful, insightful discussions related to course content. It evaluates the student’s grasp of the subject matter and their ability to engage peers in meaningful academic discourse. With a significant 20% of the course grade, it encourages students to deeply understand the material and contribute original ideas to the learning community.

ScribeBoard Replies (10%): By allocating 10% of the course grade to replies, this component fosters a collaborative learning environment where students are rewarded for actively participating in discussions initiated by their peers. It emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and the ability to constructively critique and build upon others’ ideas.

Quiz and Assessment (15%): Quizzes and assessments are crucial for evaluating a student’s retention of knowledge and their ability to apply concepts in varied contexts. This component, making up 15% of the total grade, ensures that students are keeping up with the course material and understanding key concepts.

Exam (10%): The exam component tests comprehensive understanding and synthesis of the course content. Although it accounts for 10% of the overall grade, its significance lies in assessing the student’s ability to integrate and apply knowledge across different topics covered in the course.

Paper or Project Introduction (15%): This area evaluates the student’s ability to begin a major paper or project with a solid foundation, demonstrating their understanding of the project’s scope, relevance, and objectives. It encourages students to start their major assignments with clarity and purpose.

Paper or Project Assignment (30%): The largest portion of the grade comes from major papers or projects, which assess a student’s ability to conduct in-depth research, analysis, and presentation of their findings or solutions. This component is critical as it reflects the student’s ability to engage with the material on a deeper level, showcasing their analytical, writing, and problem-solving skills.

Total Possible Points (100%): The total points available across all components sum up to 1000 points per course, with each component’s contribution reflecting its importance in the overall learning objectives of the course. The grading system is designed to ensure a balanced evaluation of a student’s performance, considering various aspects of learning, from participation and engagement to in-depth analysis and application of knowledge.

Overall Grade Determination

The overall grade for each course at Emet Global is a cumulative reflection of a student’s performance across these varied components. Each area is carefully weighted to balance the importance of foundational knowledge, critical engagement, practical application, and academic rigor. This multi-faceted approach ensures that students are not only assessed on their ability to memorize and regurgitate information but are also recognized for their analytical abilities, creativity, and contribution to the academic community.

Grading Criteria Overview

At Emet Global, our grading system is meticulously designed to reflect a student’s mastery and understanding of the course material. The system is transparent, fair, and structured to encourage and recognize academic excellence. Below, you’ll find a detailed breakdown of our grading criteria, which outlines the specific percentage ranges associated with each grade, from “NA-NYG” to “A+.”

Grading Criteria Table

Percentage >=Percentage <=Assign GradeAction

Explanation of the Grading Criteria

  • NA-NYG: This grade is assigned for non-attempted or not-yet-graded work, reflecting either pending evaluation or non-submission within the permissible window.
  • F (Fail): Scores ranging from 2% to 64% fall into this category, indicating that the student has not met the minimum requirements to pass.
  • D, D+: These grades represent the lower threshold of passing, with D and D+ signifying just meeting or slightly exceeding the basic requirements.
  • C-, C, C+: C grades signify satisfactory performance, with varying degrees of competency within the satisfactory range.
  • B-, B, B+: B grades are awarded for good to very good performance, demonstrating a higher level of understanding and application of course material.
  • A-, A, A+: These top grades are reserved for outstanding performance, reflecting exceptional understanding, mastery, and application of the subject matter.

Our grading system is designed to provide clear feedback on your academic performance, helping you identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement. Each grade represents a specific level of achievement, and we encourage students to strive for excellence in their academic endeavors.

Incomplete Grades

At Emet Global, we understand that unforeseen circumstances can sometimes hinder a student’s ability to complete coursework by the end of the term. An incomplete grade (“I”) may be granted in situations such as illness, family emergencies, or other significant life events that directly impact academic performance. Eligibility for an incomplete grade is contingent upon the student having satisfactorily completed a majority of the course work and being in good standing prior to the request.

Process for Requesting an Incomplete Grade

  1. Initiation: Students must initiate the request for an incomplete grade before the end of the term.
  2. Documentation: Submit supporting documentation (e.g., medical records, obituary) to validate the reason for the request.
  3. Approval: The request and documentation should be submitted to the course instructor for approval. If approved, a formal agreement outlining the remaining coursework and deadlines will be provided.
  4. Submission: All required paperwork must be completed and submitted to the academic office as per the instructions provided by the instructor.

Completion Timeline

Students granted an incomplete grade will have a specified timeframe, typically up to one semester, to complete the outstanding coursework. The exact deadline will be detailed in the agreement provided by the instructor. Failure to complete the coursework within this period will result in the incomplete grade being converted to a failing grade.

Grade Improvement Opportunities


Emet Global offers students the opportunity to retake exams or resubmit assignments in certain cases to improve their grades. This option is available if:

  • The course instructor determines that a retake or resubmission could lead to significant improvement in the student’s understanding and application of the course material.
  • The student’s initial attempt was impacted by extenuating circumstances.

Approval for retakes or resubmissions is at the discretion of the course instructor and may be subject to specific conditions or requirements.

Extra Credit

Extra credit assignments or activities may be available to students seeking to enhance their understanding of the course material and improve their final grade. These opportunities are provided at the instructor’s discretion and are designed to encourage deeper engagement with the course content. Extra credit can positively impact a student’s final grade, though it is typically not sufficient to compensate for significant gaps in coursework or performance.

Students interested in grade improvement options should discuss their situation and intentions with their course instructor to understand the possibilities and requirements.

By offering these policies, Emet Global aims to support students in achieving their academic goals while maintaining the integrity and standards of our educational programs.

Exam Schedule and Details

Welcome to the Exam Schedule Section of Emet Global!

Here, you’ll find a comprehensive breakdown of the upcoming exams for various subjects. This section is designed to help you stay organized and well-prepared for each assessment. Below are the details for each subject, including the type, maximum marks, codes, and scheduling.

Subject NameTypeMax MarksCodeDateTimeRoom
Student Orientation and Student Success (SOSS1-Q)Theory50SOSSO1/Flex Ed Intro Module 1 Quiz27-02-202212:00 am – 11:59 pmModule 1
Essentials of Computer Technology and E-Learning (ECTEL1-A)Theory50ECTEL1/Flex Tech Assessment06-03-202212:00 am – 11:59 pmModule 2
Successful Discussion Through Scribing (SDTS1-Q)Theory50SDTS1/Flex Scribe Quiz13-03-202212:00 am – 11:59 pmModule 3
Research Paper Familiarization and Ethics (FRPFE1-E)Theory100RPFE1/Flex Education Final Exam18-03-202212:00 am – 11:59 pmModule 4

This table provides a concise overview of the exam details for each subject, including the type, maximum marks, paper code, date, time, and room number.

Creating a table to explain GPA (Grade Point Average) and its calculation involves outlining the different grade categories, their corresponding grade points, and then illustrating how these points are averaged to calculate the GPA. Here’s a simplified version that you might find useful for your website:

GPA Calculation Table

Letter GradeGrade PointsPercentage Range
F0.0Below 65%

How GPA is Calculated:

  1. Assign Grade Points: Each course grade is converted to the corresponding grade points, as per the table above.
  2. Calculate Course Points: Multiply the grade points for each course by the number of credit hours the course is worth. This gives you the ‘course points’.
  3. Total Course Points: Add up all the course points for the term.
  4. Total Credit Hours: Add up the credit hours for all courses taken in the term.
  5. Divide for GPA: Divide the total course points by the total credit hours to get the GPA.


CourseCredit HoursLetter GradeGrade PointsCourse Points (Grade Points x Credit Hours)
English 1013A4.012.0
Math 2024B+3.313.2
History 3033B-2.78.1
Science 4044A-3.714.8
Total/Average14GPA: 48.1 / 14 = 3.44

This table and example provide a clear and straightforward method for students to understand how their GPA is calculated based on their grades and the credit hours of their courses.

GPA Calculation for Flex 100 Course (2-Credit)

This table will demonstrate how different grades for this single course can impact the GPA, based on the grade points associated with each letter grade.

Letter GradeGrade PointsCourse Points (Grade Points x Credit Hours)GPA (Course Points / Credit Hours)
A+4.08.0 (4.0 x 2)4.0
A4.08.0 (4.0 x 2)4.0
A-3.77.4 (3.7 x 2)3.7
B+3.36.6 (3.3 x 2)3.3
B3.06.0 (3.0 x 2)3.0
B-2.75.4 (2.7 x 2)2.7
C+2.34.6 (2.3 x 2)2.3
C2.04.0 (2.0 x 2)2.0
C-1.73.4 (1.7 x 2)1.7
D+1.32.6 (1.3 x 2)1.3
D1.02.0 (1.0 x 2)1.0
F0.00.0 (0.0 x 2)0.0
This table provides a clear visualization of how each potential grade in the “Flex 100” course would translate into GPA, based on the course being worth 2 credits. It’s a simplified example to demonstrate the calculation and the impact of different grades on the overall GPA.

Overview and Preparation Tips

Each exam is a stepping stone towards mastering the subject matter and advancing in your academic journey. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

  • Review Material: Go through all the lectures, notes, and resources provided during the course.
  • Understand the Format: Familiarize yourself with the exam format to manage your time effectively during the test.
  • Plan Your Study: Set a schedule that allows ample time for each subject, with more time allocated to subjects you find challenging.
  • Practice: If available, complete past exams or practice questions to gauge your understanding and improve.

Assignment Submission and Grading

Submission Guidelines

At Emet Global, we strive to make the assignment submission process as smooth and straightforward as possible. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your submissions are timely and meet all the required standards:

  1. Accessing Assignments: Log into the Learning Management System (LMS) using your student credentials. Navigate to the ‘MY LMS DASHBOARD’ ‘ENROLLED COURSES” section of your course, and click on “Start Course” or “Continue” to find detailed instructions and submission portals for each assignment.
  2. Formatting and Requirements: Ensure that your assignment adheres to the formatting guidelines provided by your instructor, including file type, size, naming conventions, and any specific content requirements.
  3. Submission Deadlines: Assignments must be submitted by the deadline stated in the course syllabus. The LMS automatically records submission times, and late submissions may incur penalties unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor.
  4. Uploading Submissions: Use the ‘Upload’ feature within the assignment portal to submit your work. Double-check that you’ve uploaded the correct file before finalizing your submission.
  5. Confirmation: Upon successful submission, you will receive a confirmation notification. Keep this for your records.

Grading Timeline

Our commitment to timely feedback is reflected in our 48-hour progression policy. Here’s how it works:

  • 48-Hour Window: Instructors will review and grade lessons marked as “assignments” within 48 hours of the submission deadline of 11:59 pm. This will allow you to progress forward through the course.
  • Checking Days: Assignments are checked every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Submissions made close to these days are prioritized to ensure feedback is provided promptly.
  • Queries and Clarifications: If you have questions about your assignment post-submission, please wait until the grading window has passed before reaching out to your instructor.

Posting Final Grades

Understanding your academic progress is crucial. Here’s how final grades are communicated:

  • Weekly Updates: Grades are updated weekly. You can expect to see your grades posted in MY-SAAS by Wednesday each week, reflecting the previous week’s submissions.
  • Grade Access: To view your grades, log into the MY-SAAS and navigate to the ‘Exam Results’ section of your dashboard. Here, you’ll find a breakdown of your performance on individual assignments as well as your cumulative course grade.
  • Final Grade Posting: At the end of the course, your final grade will be calculated based on your cumulative performance across all assignments and exams. Final grades are posted within two weeks of the course’s conclusion.

By adhering to these guidelines and timelines, we aim to foster a supportive and transparent educational environment. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our academic support team.

Policies and Deadlines

At Emet Global, we understand that clear guidelines and policies are essential for both students and instructors to ensure a fair and efficient learning environment. Below, we detail our policies regarding late assignments, course timelines, and accommodations for special circumstances.

Points Deduction for Late Assignments

  • Daily Deduction: For each day an assignment is submitted past the deadline, a deduction of five (5) points will be applied to the assignment’s total score. This policy encourages timely submissions while allowing some flexibility for minor delays.
  • Cut-off Point: Assignments submitted more than five days after the due date will not be accepted and will receive a grade of zero (0). This policy ensures that the grading process remains manageable and that feedback for all students is timely.

Start and End Dates

  • Module Duration: Each module within a course typically runs for a specific period, with a clear start and end date. Our modules usually begin on Mondays at 12:00 am and conclude on Sundays at 11:59 pm.
  • Course Duration: Full course timelines are outlined at the beginning of each term, including the start date and the end date. Courses often culminate in a final week dedicated to exams or final projects.
  • Holiday Exceptions: We acknowledge the importance of holidays and provide extensions for assignments due during these periods. The academic calendar marks all recognized school holidays, and extensions will be provided for assignments due during these periods. These exceptions aim to accommodate diverse student needs and observances.

Special Circumstances

  • Prompt Communication: Students facing unexpected challenges that could impact their ability to meet course requirements are encouraged to inform their instructor or the academic support team immediately.
  • Supporting Documentation: Depending on the situation, students may be asked to provide relevant documentation to support their request for special accommodations.
  • Flexible Solutions: Our team is dedicated to working with students to find suitable solutions, such as deadline extensions or alternative assignments, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed despite unforeseen challenges.

Transfer Credits: Pass/Fail Notation

  • Pass/Fail Grades: Credits transferred to Emet Global are recorded on your academic transcript as “Pass” or “Fail” rather than traditional letter grades. This approach ensures that transferred credits are acknowledged for meeting program requirements without directly influencing your Emet Global GPA.
  • Credit Evaluation: Each transfer request undergoes a thorough evaluation to ensure that the content and rigor of the completed course align with our curriculum standards. Only courses with a grade equivalent to a “Pass” at Emet Global will be eligible for transfer.
  • Impact on GPA: Since transferred credits are recorded as “Pass” or “Fail,” they do not contribute to your cumulative GPA at Emet Global. This policy allows students to integrate their previous academic work into their current degree path without affecting their GPA.


Orientation for New Students: A Mandatory Kickstart to Your Academic Journey

Orientation Session: A Required First Step

Emet Global warmly welcomes all new students to participate in our mandatory orientation session, scheduled for the Saturday preceding the official start date of courses. This essential session is designed to seamlessly integrate you into our vibrant academic community. During orientation, you’ll become acquainted with the Learning Management System (LMS), grasp the academic expectations awaiting you, and have the chance to meet your future instructors and fellow students.

Earning Credits Through Orientation

Recognizing the importance of a well-rounded introduction to university life, Emet Global awards credits for completing the orientation session. This not only underscores the value we place on this initial step but also contributes to your academic progress from day one.

The Significance of Orientation

Mandatory attendance at the orientation session is more than a formality; it’s a cornerstone of your educational foundation at Emet Global. This interactive session offers a safe space to voice queries, understand institutional policies in depth, and explore the plethora of resources at your disposal, ensuring you’re well-equipped for the journey ahead.

We are committed to upholding high academic standards while empathetically addressing the diverse needs of our student body. Should you seek further insights into our policies or have any questions, we encourage open dialogue and are here to offer the clarity and support you need.